The best surf spots in Bocas del Toro
Outside the Central Hotel Bocas del Toro
Much of the following information comes from Sol Bungalows excellent article on surfing in Bocas:
Lots of left waves, a few right waves, beachbreaks, reefbreaks and even a few pointbreaks. Find out what these surf spots look like and where to find them.
On Isla Colón, the main island
- Playa bluff
Playa Bluff is the most famous spot and renowned for its powerful waves. It is a hollow and fast wave intended for experienced surfers.
Bluff Beach is 3km long and is located away from the hustle and bustle of the city center in the far north of the island. Its beach breaks require committed take offs. Watch out for your boards!
- Dumpers
Dumpers offers a fast and deep reef wave. Outer Dumpers provide a quick glide with a strong descent and a short tube. Inner Dumpers can give you some really cool tubes with a longer glide. Pay attention to the exposed reef. If you have sensitive feet don’t forget your neoprene shoes.
- Paunch
Paunch’s popular reef attracts surfers looking for a reef surf experience. The waves break smoothly mostly to the left, sometimes to the right. It’s a wave that lends itself to fun in general. Be careful, it hides its game well. If the swell gets too big, only experienced surfers should try it.
Tiger Tail, Waikiki, Paki point, Beach break just outside the city center … The list goes on and on. The great thing about Isla Colon is that there is a surfspot for everyone and for all levels.
On Caranero Island
- Pointbreak
The most famous point break in the north of the island is a long left, easy to surf, perfect for working on maneuvers. With the correct angle, expect hollow and powerful tubes.
With 5 distinct peaks this wave can hold a large number of surfers. This wave starts at 1.20m and can contain swells up to 3.60m and sometimes more. However, beware of the current. Only for intermediate and advanced surfers.
- Black rock
The spot is fun and accessible to everyone. Many surf schools teach at Black Rock. This is a fun right wave suitable for beginners that breaks in the middle of the channel with a sandy reef bottom. On days of heavy swell, it can be more powerful.
- Old man’s
Old Man’s is a fun wave for everyone that breaks in the middle of a canal. Even though it’s a reefbreak, the water is deep enough that it isn’t a danger. It is an ideal spot for beginners.
On Isla Bastimentos
- Silverbacks
Silverbacks is a wave of high seas on the western tip of Bastimentos. It is only intended for experienced big wave surfers. It produces the most powerful and wild wave of Bocas del Toro with a swell ranging from 3 to 6 meters.
- Wizard Beach / Playa Primera
It’s a deserted beachbreak that’s perfect for beginners when it’s small and can provide pretty good conditions when it’s bigger before it starts to collapse.
- Playa Larga / Long Beach
With several breaks this can be another world class wave and less crowded than Carenero due to its more difficult access. When the swell is good, steep descents and hollow tubes are the order of the day.
Surfing in Bocas del Toro
Consistent waves, crystal clear waters, coconut palms, a pleasant climate, a mosaic of cultures and colors. It’s the perfect spot for surfers. Discover the seasons and surf conditions in Bocas del Toro.